
Vision, Mission, and Beliefs
The Mission of the Echols County School System is to provide an excellent education for all students
Our vision is to be a school system that develops independent, responsible, lifelong learners

Our Beliefs (Core Values)
We believe:

  • All children learn in different ways and at different rates
  • All children should have an equal opportunity to learn
  • Environmental, socio-economic, and life experiences influence students’ learning
  • Parents should be meaningfully engaged in their child’s education
  • Parents should instill in their children the value of education and the importance of regular attendance, acceptable behavior, and academic success
  • The school system should communicate clear, high, and attainable expectations for all students, staff, and stakeholders
  • All students should be provided a broad, coherent, and challenging curriculum related to the real world
    Schools should strive to prepare students to be productive, self-sufficient, and contributing members of society
  • Schools should make educational decisions informed by data and in the interest of all students
  • School should provide a safe and caring environment for all
  • The community should have a vested interest in the education of all its children
  • Together, the school system and the community serve as the foundation for quality of life, growth, and sustainability of the community

School Events and Fundraisers

24-25 Teacher's of the Year
School Climate Survey Flyer in English

Please use the QR code above or click the links below to access the family climate survey.

Elementary/Middle School Family Climate Survey

High School Family Climate Survey

School Climate Survey Flyer in Spanish

Por favor, use el código QR de arriba o haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para acceder a la encuesta sobre el ambiente familiar.


Encuesta de escuelas primarias y secundarias


Encuesta de secundaria

2023 - 2024 Yearbook Sale Announcement
Teacher of the Year Announcement
School IDs are in and available for purchase for $5.00. ID cards are only available to students that had their picture taken on August 30, 2022. Please return the completed order form (attached above) and payment to your child's teacher. Please contact Kilia McLeod at for questions.
Previous Yearbooks Order Form


Latest News

clip art
Governor's Office of Student Achievement

Echols County Schools Link to Report Card

Mon Apr 22 09:53 AM
